Saturday, September 23, 2006

Here are all of the Pick-up codes:

Eggs! Eggs! Eggs! Here are all of the eggs! They will hatch on Febuary 1st!

Friday, September 22, 2006

This is my dog Fletcher, the mutt! He is NOT up for adoption!

Here is a more recent picture:

Now, onto the more important things. This is my FAQ! If you have question that's worth my time, E-MAIL me at! (If it's a good question, I'll email you back with the answer. If it's REALLY good, it'll go up here!)

Pets: Arlo, Fletcher (both dogs) Simon (cat) Scampers, Nibbles (Gerbils)

Favorite Color: Purple

Do you like dachounds?: They're OK.

Mom's name: Why do you need to know?

Age (Date, month, year): It's a secret!

Favorite Animal/s: Gerbils, Puppies, Otters

Favorite tree: Umm... I don't know!

Favorite Shampoo: Neutragena

Favorite Music type / song: Hamster Dance maybe?...

Favorite TV Show: None

Favorite candy: Ghirardelli's chocolate. If you go here:
you can see my fav type! My fav type is the red! :)

Do you like whales?: They're okay.

Do you know about animie?: Yes

What's your favorite Animie Show?: I don't know

Do you like dance?: Yes

If so, what type?: Tap and Jazz

What's your favorite breed of dogs?: Mutts :) Look at my dog, FLETCHER. Scroll up to take a look.

What's your biggest fear?:Spiders

What's your dream name?: Fwopz OR Kiki :)

Do you have any siblings?: NO!

Do you answer stupid questions like this?:Ussually not, but I suppose I should put this one up to remind people! :)

Do you like putting up smiley faces?: Yes :)

Will you make me a pixel?: What pixel do you want? Also, I don't spend my life doing this, so don't give me a job! :)

Who's your Gravatron?: Jackie

Who's your Best Friend?: Rachel

Hate Mail or people's note who wasted thier AND my time:

i hate u:You don't know me, so how can you hate me?


i want a light green doggy background with lots of doggy pixels and...: Sorry, I don't do backgrounds. Only pixels and glitter words.

If you'd like a glitter word, just email, the subject MUST be GLITTER WORDZ or I will delete the message! Please email me with the:
Font:(see all of your choices at
Size: (numbers please)

When I am finnished with your Glitter Word, you will get an email saying:

I am finished with the Glitterz you requested! If you are not happy with your Glitterz, please tell me and I will change it to perfection. You can pick up the code at:! Thanks for using Fwopz Ultimate Glitterz as your glitter provider! Please leave the link back to my page so other people can get Glitterz too! If you absolutly HAVE to take off the link, please use one of the link backs on!
fwopz :)


If you'd like a PIXEL, you must email, and the subject MUST be PIXEL REQUEST, or I will automaticly delete the message! You must tell me:

The PIXEL image:
OPTIONAL: If you'd like words underneath or above your PIXEL image, please say what those words are, the desired color, and; ABOVE or BENEATH! :) I will try my best to keep everyone happy, and to do so, I will request a limit of 2 pixels and/or Glitterz a day please. Thankyou! Please Note: I DO NOT do complicated pixels!

When I am finnished with the pixel you requested, you'll get an email saying:

I am finnished with the pixel you requested! If you are unhappy with the pixel, please tell me and I will change it to you likings! I DO NOT do complicated pixels! Thanks for using Fwopz Ultimate Pixelz as your pixel provider! Please leave the link to the pixel's home ON. If you HAVE to take it off, please use one of my FLASHY buttons at:!